User Search
Find and mention users effortlessly by typing '@' followed by the user's name in Alfred. The workflow will instantly display a list of matching users, allowing you to select the desired one without any hassle.
Seamlessly search for users and channels on Slack using Alfred
Introducing the Slack Search Workflow for Alfred, a powerful and efficient way to quickly search for users and channels in your Slack workspace.
Find and mention users effortlessly by typing '@' followed by the user's name in Alfred. The workflow will instantly display a list of matching users, allowing you to select the desired one without any hassle.
Locate channels with ease by typing '#' followed by the channel name in Alfred. The workflow will display a list of matching channels for you to choose from, streamlining your navigation through the platform
The workflow requires you to create a Slack app and add it to your Slack workspace, ensuring secure access to your team's data and seamless integration with the Slack platform